Press Release

Senator Alvarado-Gil has First Bill, SB 754, passed in Committee

For a rookie Senator, Marie Alvarado-Gil is starting her legislative career off with a bang, presenting an aggressive package of 20 bills. Her first taste of success came yesterday, as SB-754 handedly passed the Energy, Utilities, and Communications Committee by a vote of ….. The bill restores a prior ratemaking and rate design methodology by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to, ensure that funding for small rural telephone companies continues to cover their cost of service and infrastructure

Providing communication services to rural communities is extremely challenging as installing networks through rugged terrain, mountain and forests, to reach a population that is sparse and spread out is much more costly than what customers can afford to pay, and significantly higher than what it costs in the cities. However, all communities need affordable and reliable telephone and broadband service to keep businesses, schools, hospitals, and other important institutions connected to valuable resources. This service is not a luxury, but a necessity

Broadband internet access is taken for granted in the cities, but provides a critical service that is still desperately needed and often unavailable in the rural areas.

“As a resident of a small mountain community myself, I can personally attest to the necessity of SB-754,” stated Alvarado-Gil. “I am grateful to the Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee for recognizing the importance of this bill and helping to ensure that all residents of California receive equal access to these essential services which allow for democratic engagement, social mobility, and economic equality and growth.”

To learn more about Senator Alvarado-Gil please go to:

Senator Alvarado-Gil represents the 4th Senate District including the Counties of Alpine, Amador, Calaveras, El Dorado, Inyo, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, Mono, Nevada , Placer, Stanislaus, and Tuolumne.
